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Solar Street Light With Pole Price

A Solar Street Light is powered by solar panels to provide illumination during the night. These are outdoor lighting fixture and come in various dimensions and vary in price. Some of the cheaper lights usually come with motion sensors and go into full brightness only when there is any movement near the light, while others dim automatically based on battery percentage left so as to come for one full night of working.

All in One and Semi Integrated Solar Street Light

Solar Street Light with Motion Sensors are usually categorized as All in One Solar Street Light. At the same time, if the street light has a separate panel on top and the other components like the LED Board, Battery, and Controller molded into a single unit, these types of lights are usually categorized as Semi Integrated Solar Street Light.

These types of street lights are installed on poles commonly in public spaces, such as parks, streets, and walkways, as they provide bright and reliable lighting of areas without the need for electricity from the grid.

Solar Street Light with Pole

Solar Street Light Pole Standards are 2.5-inch GI Poles with 60mm Outer Dimensions and 20 feet height; GI Poles are preferred for their rust-proof property and ease of usage. Some use MS Poles 2.5 Inches, but the pole thickness is less, and these poles need to be rust-treated for long life.

Based on the requirement, if a thicker or thinner pole is needed or if the pole height needs to be higher, a custom pole can be procured by suitable pole vendors.

Solar Street Light Pole Prices:

Solar Street Light Pole Pole Height Price (in Rs.)
Basic MS Pole 2.5 Inch 6 Meter 2,900.00 to 3,900.00
Basic GI Pole 2.5 Inch 6 Meter 4,000.00 to 4,500.00
Custom MS Pole 2.5 Inch 6 Meter 6,000.00 to 8,000.00
Custom GI 2.5 Inch 6 Meter 9,000.00 to 11,000.00
*Pole prices are subjected to changed based on everyday metal prices.


Solar Street Light Pole Standard Specification

While choosing a proper pole, ensure the procured street light fitting can be secured. Pole materials like MS or GI should also be considered. Once a proper and appropriate pole is procured, it has to be erected. Before erecting, the Solar Street Light has to be secured to the pole, and a 3 to 4-foot hole has to be dug out. The pole is erected and secured into the dug hole; about 3 to 4 feet of the pole will be inside the dug hole and secured with concrete.

Solar Street Light Pole FAQs:

What is the full form of MS pole?

The full form of an MS Pole is a Mild Steel Pole.

What is an MS pole?

An MS Pole is a type of pole made from mild steel, commonly used for various construction and utility purposes such as street lighting, electrical transmission, and telecommunications. Mild or low carbon steel is a form of carbon steel that contains a low level of carbon and does not have a protective chromium oxide layer. The iron present in MS reacts with the moisture in the air and rusts.

What is a GI pole?

A GI pole is made of galvanized iron, commonly used to support various utilities such as electrical wires, street lights, and banners. Galvanized iron is essentially iron coated with a protective zinc layer on the outside, offering a effective and simple way to protect iron from weather-related degradation.

What is a light pole made of?

Light poles are typically made of aluminium, steel, or concrete. Aluminium poles are lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and easy to install, making them popular for many applications. Steel poles on the other hand are strong and durable, making them suitable for areas with high wind loads or other challenging conditions. Concrete poles are known for their strength and stability, making them ideal for use in areas with heavy traffic or where impact resistance is important. Each material has its own advantages and chosen based on the specific requirements of the lighting application.

What is the life of Steel Pole?

The life of a steel pole depends on various factors, such as the quality of the steel, environmental conditions, and maintenance. High-quality steel poles can last for several decades, especially if properly treated to resist corrosion and other forms of deterioration. Periodic inspection and maintenance can also extend the lifespan of steel poles.