Solar Lighting Applications

As people are getting aware of solar lights and their positive effects on the environment, the application of solar lights has broadened in many ways. Compared to conventional lights, solar powered lights are much more cost-effective and environment friendly as they use sunlight for producing energy. So, it assures that the carbon footprints and other harmful gases are reduced from the environment and prevent us from inhaling them. Using solar lights in remote areas has successfully led to illuminating areas where grid power was impossible to reach due to cost. Similarly, there are many places where solar lights can play the lead role in illuminating an area. Some of the applications where solar lights can be used are:
Many corporates have welcomed the idea of using solar lights and reducing the use of grid lights. This is an alternative way to enhance the use of green energy and save the environment from harmful gases.
Government & Municipalities:
Many government institutions and municipalities have taken the initiative to install solar lights in order to reduce the ever-rising utility costs. Their cost effectiveness and durability have made solar lighting a good option to replace grid electrical lights.
Street roads & Highways:
For streets and highways, there are modern street lights available with high-quality fixtures. These lights do not need maintenance and are dependant only on sunlight. They can improve night visibility and security with a greater CRI (colour rendering index).
Parks, Resorts & Recreation Centres:
Solar-powered lights are a natural fit for public parks, resorts and recreational centres where the environment needs to be protected. One can use simple and charming solar garden light designed especially for these types of layouts.
Schools & University Campuses:
Installing solar-powered lights will be a motivation for the young minds to go green. There are wide options available for choosing from parking lot lighting to sign lighting to bus shelter lighting. Many of these institutions have already installed solar lights in the process of cost saving and taking an initiative to be on the greener side.
Airports & Transportation:
These are the areas which need to be illuminated 24/7 throughout the year as they are always used by travellers and employers. One can find a light for every application given the number of options available in the solar industry. Switching to solar will also help in saving costs in utility.
Sign, Media & Outdoor advertising:
Solar-powered LED sign lightings and billboard lightings are perfect for illuminating sign, media and outdoor advertising. Whether it is a small, medium or large size board, you can get any fixtures available with easy installation and warranty.
Residential Societies:
Residential societies are also showing interest in using solar lights inside the layouts. You can get solar lightings for walkways, tennis courts, mail boxes, entrances, signs, streets, general security and all other amenity purposes. This reduces the maintenance costs and provides a safe and secured environment inside the society.
Construction sites and outdoor working areas need to be illuminated brightly. These areas are risky as workers are involved in many hazardous works. For these types of areas, high power LED floodlights should be used that can light up an area with or without motion sensors.
Retail & Commercial:
These spaces need to be kept illuminated most of the time so using conventional grid lights add on the electricity bill and cost you more. In this case, solar lights can be a good alternative, installing which can free you from maintenance and heavy electricity bills.
Private residence:
Home owners are the most common users of solar lights. As there are a lot of varieties available such as street light, garden light, solar wall light, rechargeable emergency light and flood light, customers can choose one as per their requirement and enjoy the never-ending benefits of solar energy.
Adding outdoor solar lighting to a property, either private or public, can assist in increasing property value and improving business and home efficiency. Solar street light can be effortlessly installed at any large open spaces without the need for wires or harnesses. Solar garden lights bring in night-time security and enhance the aesthetic value of a property. With in-built rechargeable battery and LED technology, solar lights can be accessible to home and business owners that need heat and electricity. All in one solar street lights with motion sensors can provide a sense of safety during dark hours and there are solar-powered lights available from seasonal lighting displays to functional lights to high-end designs. Rural areas have also been benefitting from decentralized and distributed solar applications and the standard of living of the inhabitants have undoubtedly improved ever since in the areas of education, employment, lighting, cooking and also in minimizing the risks of health ailments.