A majority of the world wants to shift to greener alternatives, zero electricity costs and less carbon footprint. Replacing each street light with solar LED street light seems to be the wise choice of today. solar street light are automatic outdoor lighting units that operate with the help of solar energy alone. According to studies, solar-powered lighting systems bring down greenhouse gas emissions by over 50%. While doing the great switch to solar street lights, it is not unusual to have plenty of queries and doubts, a few of which are answered below:

Can solar landscape lights save energy?
Solar landscape operates on free solar power and as long as these lights charge in direct sunlight, they will work from dusk to dawn automatically. Outdoor solar lighting units save energy and are aesthetically pleasing. Partial shading or overcast skies will result in low light output or shorter operating time. Solar street lights have energy-saving motion sensor and dimming features, which help to save energy and enable the lights to give their best during non-sunny days.
Can I use a higher mAH battery in solar lights?
Yes, you can if it is of the same voltage; however, it is not required as solar lights are fitted with specific mAh battery which is sufficient to run them.
What should I look for when buying solar lights?
Understand your lighting requirements, area of installation, purpose of lighting, access to sunlight and type of solar light and its features. You also must look for manufacturers that sell quality solar products. Being familiarized with the technical specifications of the lights will also help you to choose the right solar unit.
How much power does a regular street light consume?
Sodium vapour street lamps consume around 100 to 500 Watts. LED solar street lights with relatively higher brightness need around 40 to 100 Watts.
What are the main components of a solar street light?
LED, rechargeable battery, charge controller and solar panel.
Which solar panel is suitable for LED street lights?
Monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels are used for solar LED street lights. A solar street light usually comes with its own recommended solar panel and appropriate controller is set to suit the panel.
Why do street lights turn on and off above me?
Solar street lights with motion sensors turn off or become dim when there is no movement around them. They turn on or glow up to full brightness if there is any movement detected.
No natural resources are depleted for the functioning of solar lights and the energy used is non-exhaustible solar energy. Solar street lights are water-resistant and cost-effective outdoor lighting systems that are well-suited for both commercial and domestic applications. The benefits corresponding to solar-powered lights are many and they are available in a wide range of designs and sizes.
Which gas is used in street lights?
Ionized sodium is used in its vapour form for street lighting. Sodium lamps work by creating an electric arc through vaporized sodium metal along with other materials and gases to start the lamp and to control their colour. Low-pressure sodium-vapour (LPS) lamps have been in use since the 1930s. These lamps are made of borosilicate glass, filled with neon and argon gas and metallic sodium. LPS lamps were popular because of their ability to penetrate fog with bright, monochrome yellow light.
High-pressure sodium-vapour (HPS) lamps are the most commonly seen street lights now, that produce a yellow-orange glow. The lamp consists of an arc tube and sodium, mercury and xenon are used inside the tube. Sodium is a volatile substance and sodium lamps also contain mercury. Disposal of sodium lamps requires careful handling and today, HPS lights are being replaced with more efficient and environment-friendly LED lights.
LED lights do not contain any sodium, mercury or lead inside them and do not release any harmful gases if damaged. They produce a distinct bluish white glow, amber-coloured hue or yellow-warm colours. They are known to be 50% more efficient than traditional sodium street lights. There is no light pollution or ultraviolet light emission and therefore, LED lamps are safer for animals and less attractive to nocturnal insects. LEDs do not burn out like sodium lamps and have a rated life up to 50,000 hours.