Installation of solar lights is easy and uncomplicated and because they are wireless, solar lights can be conveniently installed in areas with less access to a power grid. All types of solar lights are sought after for their hassle-free installation and operation. There are no power facilities or underlying cable work needed and very less manpower is required for their installation.
Several factors should be considered while installing solar lights. Most important thing is to ensure direct sunlight is falling on the solar panel. India lies in the northern hemisphere. Sun moves from East to West from southern portion. Hence, if the direction of solar panel is facing North to South and tilted towards true south, it gets more sunlight. This does not mean solar panel will not work in other direction, but the charging efficiency will be lesser.

Standalone solar lights: Solar garden light and solar flash lights can be installed on your own and one does not need much knowledge as it is a plug and play system. After choosing the right spot, place the lights at even widths apart so that the area has total illumination. If you would like to highlight a garden feature, the solar light needs to installed close to the particular feature. Solar spike garden lights can be pushed into the mud and some of the solar garden light can be bolted to any concrete surface. These lights can be easily transported from one place to another and reinstalled without any problems.
Solar street lights: Installation of solar street lights is mostly done by professionals. This does not mean the installation process of solar street lights is as complicated as the installation of traditional street lights but it is important to handle the components with utmost care, especially the solar panels. The ground must be flat and dug at least 3 feet deep to place the pole.

All the components are built inside an all in one solar street light unit and it can be attached to the arm directly. Integrated solar street lights have solar panels as separate units and therefore, after fixing the lamp holder onto the arm, connect the luminary and the panel with the wires given. Once the arm is ready, secure it to the pole with the help of bolts.

The pole is to be pulled upright, placed carefully into the prepared hole and secured onto the ground with concrete. The installation height on an average is around 4 to 5 meters and poles with 2.5-inch diameter are used for solar street light installation. Some of the solar street lights can also be fixed on walls depending on the direction of sunlight.
Factors to consider before installing solar lights:
The chosen area must have access to direct sunlight for the solar lights to charge. Before you install solar lights, the amount of light received throughout the day should be studied. To be able to run all night, solar panels require a certain amount of sunlight. It is important to remove any source of shade, for example, trimming shrubs or tree branches. If the source of shade is not removable such as a tall building, it is better to find a different location for the installation of solar lights.
Placing your solar lights next to an already existing bright light source may affect the performance of your solar lights. Modern solar lights operate using flexible lighting techniques. Some work with motion sensors and some use dimming features in order to conserve even more energy. The lights with motion sensors are not ideal for areas that remain active throughout the night and therefore, the amount of traffic in the area also needs to be considered while choosing your solar lights.
Your lighting requirement
While some people use solar lights for illumination and security, some prefer to use solar energy for decorating their properties. Depending on your requirement and the size of the area, stronger or less potent solar lights need to be chosen. If more solar lights are being used to cover a larger area, they need to be spaced at an even distance for uniform illumination. Solar lighting professionals will be able to help you measure your energy use and choose the right solar lights as per your requirement.