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Benefits of Solar Home Lights in India

In a developing country like India where many villages are still under darkness or depended on grid connection, Solar Home Lighting System (SHLS) will bring a huge relieve to their lives. These lighting systems will make a big difference to their wallets and even the environment. SHLS uses solar sunlight to illuminate homes and even power up small appliances. Being not just an important but a responsible lighting source, these types of lights are economical and non-polluting at the same time. A typical SHLS are fixed installations which contains of PV Module for battery charging, solar deep cycle battery for storage, a solar charge controller for the safe charging and discharging of the battery, lighting luminary and provision for connection other loads (radio, tape-recorder, portable TV etc. as well as a complete set of installation hardware. This system can also be used to run a small DC fan or a 12-VDC television. These Solar Home Lighting System convert suns energy to electricity which is then stored in the battery and used later on whenever required. The best thing about these systems is, it is compact, portable and easily mountable, is an economical solution to all your power problems and comes in an easy-to-install kit.
There are several other benefits of installing a SHLS in India. Some of them are:
  1. Economical: Solar Home Lighting systems are economical as it uses suns energy to run the system. It is free of cost and you can enjoy 30% of the power savings on the electricity bills with a longer back up lighting system at zero running cost.
  2. Pollution free: since the solar home lighting systems are depend on the sun to keep it working, the system is energy neutral and produces zero pollution. Instead 1kwp solar installation reduces 1⁄2 ton of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per annum.
  3. No Maintenance: This system needs very minimal maintenance as it has few moveable parts which automatically reduce the risk of breakage. Once it is installed it can keep running for long time with a little attention.

Author : Arunima